There were two meetings of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs in 2016 (05/06-03-2016 and 19-09-2016) in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. I want to thank all the delegates that attended them.
FCI-World Championship Tracking Dogs 2016
The FCI IPO FH WC 2016 was held from 7-10th of April, in Mukachevo, Ukraine.
On behalf of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs, I want to thank Mr Vasyl Urban and his assistants for the excellent organisation. Also we want to thank Mr I. Lengvarsky being supervisor and the Judges Mr J. Proneber from Austria and Mr Rudolf Danek from Slovakia for their excellent work.
The 41 participants 20 different countries.
FCI - Tracking Dog World Champion 2016 is Christian Caron from France with his Belgium Shepherd Extra dry du Foxene with 189 points.
The results were: 10 x Very Good, 11 x Good, 2 x Satisfactory, 17 x Unsatisfactory and 1 disqualification.
The 2017 FCI-WC for Tracking Dogs will be held in Ptuj, Slovenia.
FCI - European Open für Fährtenhunde 2016
In 2016, because of problems in the organisation, there was no FCI European Open for Tracking Dogs.
FCI-World Championship for Utility Dogs 2016
The FCI-World Championship for Utility Dogs 2016 was held in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, from 15 until 18 September 2016 with 127 participants from 36 countries.
On behalf of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs I want to thank Mr Hari Arcon and his assistants for the perfect organisation of this WC.
The performance of the organisation was appreciated by the participants and the spectators.
The judges for this FCI IPO WC: in Tracking, Mr Daniele Peres from Italy, in Obedience Mr Juanjo López-Pérez from Spain and in Protection, Mr Berry Kleinhesselink from The Netherlands. Supervisor in Tracking was Mr Eberhard Uekötter from Germany, Supervisor of the FCI IPO WC was Mr Robert Markschläger from Austria.
Individual 2016 FCI-IPO World Champion is Jozef Adamuscin from Slovakia with his GSD Harysson Ad Gür with 283 points.
2016 FCI IPO WC Countries: Slovakia is 2016 FCI IPO WC with 833 points.
Results: 30 x Very Good, 65 x Good, 11 x Satisfactory, 18 x Unsatisfactory and 3 x Disqualification.
At the 2016 FCI WC for Utility Dogs there were 6 Starters with a „Wild Card“. These participants were the 2016 Utility World Champions of their breed (Rottweiler, Dobermann, Hollandse Herder, Riezenschnauzer, Beauceron and Boxer).
In 2016 there were two meetings of the section Mondioring of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs:
20-02-2016, Dison, Belgium and 28-09-2016 Herve, Belgium.
FCI World Championship for Mondioring Dogs 2016
This FCI World Championship for Mondioring Dogs, was held in Dison, Belgium, from 29/09 until 03/10 and there were 83 competitors from 21 countries.
Grand Prix for Mondioring Category 1 and Category 2
Category 1: 1st place Monica Erhsam, Switzerland, with the Belgian Shepherd jagger van de Duvetorre.
Category 2: 1st place Tom Andrykowski, Switzerland, with the Belgian Shepherd Jackpot des Loups de St. Benoit.
2016 FCI World Champion Mondioring is Monica Andersson from Sweden with the Belgian Shepherd Emier des plaines de Thierache.
On behalf of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs I want to thank the organisers for their perfect organisation of the 2016 FCI World Championship for Mondioring Dogs.
The performance of the organisation was appreciated by the participants and the spectators.
Also we want to thank the supervisor Mr Valeer Linclau from Belgium and the Judges, Mrs M. Mc Kenna from Belgium and Mr St.Hubert from Switzerland.

Cat. 1

Cat. 2

Cat. 3

FCI International Judges seminars
In 2016 the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs did not organise any regional education seminar for FCI IPO Judges. This education will be done in 2017 after approval by the General Committee of the 2018 FCI IPO Regulations.
I want to thank all the delegates of the commission for their contribution and active work in 2016. I also want to thank the FCI General Committee for their positive support and acceptance of our proposals. It shows their appreciation of our work.
My special thanks go to the Executive Director and staff of the FCI General Secretariat for the excellent cooperation.
Frans Jansen
President of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs